Brad Williamson

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Hey, Brad Williamson here...

I'm an INFJ personality-type whose life purpose is to help people discover and leverage their life's greatest superpower: their intuition—that soft, subtle voice we often hear but rarely listen to that exists as our most dependable source of perfect solutions to struggles we're most desperate to cease.

Beyond that, I'm a pretty ordinary guy...

{{TODO}} due soon write this...

Wanna contact me?

Then feel free to holler at me by way of email, text, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook

About this site...



page purpose:: To serve as my Roamblog's homepage

related to::

content outline::

site title

one-liner explaining who I am and what I do.

navigation & search

Links to valuable content; ideally, content that also indirectly provides more perspective into the type of person I am. (notes; projects; book notes; etc.)

This website's / wiki-style blog / wikiblog purpose is to...

document how I progress through my life's work...

deliver the creations my life's work produces to the masses...

serve as en environment in which my life's work can be experienced by the masses

Contact me

Start Here


Credit Roam... Powered by Roam Research, where people with manic minds can make sense of their life and, as a result, help others make sense of theirs.

Hey, Brad Williamson here...